Are you concerned about your child or teen’s anxiety? Get help with my free e-book and explainer video to discover the 8 COMMON MISTAKES TO AVOID WHEN YOUR CHILD IS ANXIOUS.

Sharon Selby with her dogs Welcome to my website. I currently have a two-year waiting list for individual counselling services but I’m happy to answer any questions about the children’s anxiety management and self-empowerment groups that I run.

Have you heard of RTT Hypnotherapy? I have a separate waiting list for RTT hypnotherapy for yourself, child, or teen.

Please note that I’m not able to answer personal counselling questions via email but I’m happy to blog about specific topics related to your parenting challenges. In the blog section of my website, you will find over 300 articles on practically any parenting topic that you are interested in.

I would also be interested in speaking at your school or event.

Thank you for visiting! I look forward to connecting with you in the future.

